New Years Resolutions Suck

So every year, people tend to make resolutions; but what for? Often at times when you say things that you want to accomplish, you tend to get lazy and not do it. Because truly human beings have no motivation to get off their asses. (Sorry but language is required at times like these.) So I challenge you guys not to make resolutions if you not going to stick to them. Countless years I have said that I want to be a nicer person, but what for I'm already nice enough. So what I say johnny is stupid, everybody knows I'm just kidding (but am i really?). So I guess I should introduce myself to the world. My name is China, and yes people it's my actual name. Maybe one day I'll actually tell you why I was given such a name. I may be young but I have a whole lot of wisdom. I see things for what they really are, and I can see past all the bullshit. I'm in high school, but surely I won't tell you what grade I'm in, or how old I am. I'll let you figure that on your own. I'm a middle child out of three, I have two highly annoying brothers.(Christian and Branden) I live in Texas, land of the boring. I plan on traveling the world, and by that I don't mean just going to Mexico. Been there and seen that. Nothing special, but I have to say that Cancun has one amazingly beautiful beach. Did I mention that i absolutely hate my brothers, all they do is freaking bother me, blah blah blah. Can't they tell I don't give a shit about what they have to say (well I do, but not when they're being annoying). And there they go at my door being annoying, ugh why can't I just graduate already and be free of them. Be free of my whole family actually!
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